European Continental Championships 2026 - looking for organizers
Dear European members,

Since 24/25 season is almost over, we need to start thinking of the next season and specifically of 2026 and where the Continental Championships will take place.

In Europe we have to organize two of them: Dryland ECh and On-Snow ECh.
By now there is not any official application for any of them. There is more hurry for the On-Snow ECh, because time is running and it is less than 12months to do it!!

So as Europe CD, I would like to encourage you on finding organizers in your Associations, Clubs and national Federations interested on being a possible venue for our European Continental Championships.

I am at your disposal for more information and any questions any of you may have.

Let’s make sleedog sport in Europe good for your athletes all together!


Monica Pacheco
CD Europe

Published of Helen Lundberg 17 mars 2025
Online voting result regarding change of FIMSS membership
March 8th, 2025

IFSS members has voted to change FIMSS Federazione Italiana Musher e Sleddog Sport
from Voting Member to Provisional Member in accordance with By-Law G4. This will take effect immediately.

YES 42 votes, NO 17 votes, abstained 2 votes.

With a total of 61 votes the 2/3rd majority is minimum 41 votes. There are 42 votes in favor to change membership for FIMSS from a Voting membership to a Provisional membership.

As Provisional Member FIMSS still can apply for DID for its members, select athletes for the IFSS Championships (see Championships Regulations paragraph 41) and apply for the accreditation of World Cup events.


Helen Lundberg
IFSS President
Published of Helen Lundberg 08 mars 2025
Official Statement on Fluorinated Ski Wax at the 2025 On-Snow WCh/WM in Røros, Norway
In November 2021, the IFSS Council resolved to adhere to the recommendations of the International Ski Federation (FIS) concerning the prohibition of fluorinated ski waxes. Scientific evidence has demonstrated that fluorinated ski waxes have detrimental effects on both the environment and human health.

Currently, the IFSS lacks specific regulations on how to address this issue and impose penalties. Additionally, the IFSS does not have the capability to conduct controls at IFSS-sanctioned competitions.

At the 2024 IFSS General Assembly, members voted in favor of a proposal by the IFSS Council to delegate the matter to the Race Judge and Race Regulation Committee (RJRRC) for the formulation of rules regarding the fluor wax ban. The RJRRC will organize a video conference to discuss the proposal with all members. Following the video conference, the RJRRC will finalize the proposal, and an Action Alert will be issued for voting.
Due to recent developments within the Council and the RJRRC, the planned video conference has been rescheduled for spring 2025.

The IFSS strongly recommends that all athletes comply with and respect the fluor ban at all IFSS-sanctioned events, including the 2025 On-Snow World Championships/World Masters.

IFSS Council
Published of Helen Lundberg 04 februari 2025
New provisional member
December 18th, 2024

IFSS Council has approved the membership application for provisional membership from Austrian Federation of Sleddog Sports, AFSS.

Welcome AFSS to IFSS!

Helen Lundberg
IFSS President

Published of Helen Lundberg 19 december 2024
Vice President Development election

December 18, 2024

By the deadline to nominate candidates for the VP Development position the Nominating Commission only received one nomination; Agata Aleksandra Zaremba nominated by the PZSPZ – Polski Zwiazek Sportów Psich Zaprzegów, Polish Federation. 

Since Agata is the only candidate for the VP Development and currently is the elected Vice President Economy I can inform you that if Agata Aleksandra Zaremba will be elected VP Development there is already a candidate for the VP Economy position.

Election process for VP Development starts today and deadline January 8th, 2025.
Email with voting instructions will be sent out to all Voting Members.

If Agata Aleksandra Zaremba will be elected VP Development the Nominating commission will look for nominations to the VP Economy position. Nominations shall be submitted to
Deadline to nominate VP Economy candidates; January 8th, 2025.
Note that also Provisional members can submit candidates for the VP Economy position.

Helen Lundberg
IFSS President

Published of Helen Lundberg 19 december 2024
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