Eline Andrea Andersen

Eline lives in Nannestad, Norway. She is 17 years old.  Her family have 14 dogs (5 German shorthaired pointing dogs and 9 alaskian huskies). Eline has grown up with  all kinds of sleddog sports and outdoor activities. 

In 2022, 2023  and 2024 she competed in long distance dog sledging with the Alaskian huskies, In 2023 and 2024 she won the Norwegian championship Femundsløpet JR (200 km), and finished Finnmarksløpet in 2023 (World championship long distance JR) as a silver medalist.

In Leipa 2022, she was the gold medalist in the kickbike JR competition and in Spain in 2023 she won the Bikejoring JR competition. In Finland in 2024 she won the bikejoring competition and in the canicross competition she achieved the silver medal.

During winter time, Eline competes in skijoring with the 3 German shorthaired pointing dogs.She has many good results.

Eline has been racing since she was a little girl, and enjoys all kind of activities with her dogs. In addition to activities with the dogs Eline is an active orienteering atlet.